
Our creative approach is always strategic and well-crafted

6 to 9 week timeline


1 hour meeting

We must learn as much as we can about each others business and clearly understand the problem we are solving for your end-user. We also need to identify all the stakeholders and who is/are the final decision-maker(s). This meeting is typically face-to-face, but we understand that is not always possible, so we are comfortable holding virtual meetings. Even after this team meeting, we will have an overall understanding; we will want to contact the projects manager to ask more questions for further clarification.


Within 48 hours of discovery

We do not read minds or make assumptions. The best projects have a well-written brief documents that confirm whether or not we are on the same page. This step saves time and money because it details our understanding of what you told us in the discovery meeting. Sometimes the brief can bring about new perspectives because youll have the opportunity to see your project with a fresh pair of eyes.


2 weeks from sign-off of brief

We present three visual solutions that align with the creative brief and your overall goals. Then, collaboratively we select the best design solution. If there are aspects from more than one concept, we may revise the concept chosen to incorporate that vital element. At this stage we are now moving into the development process.


2 weeks

In development, we flow your content into the selected design. We may produce full-size mock-ups or visual representations of your project to simulate it in the real world. Then, we test the approval process through management/staff and eventually open it up to test/focus groups. The work takes shape, and now is when we collect valuable feedback and fine-tune the overall project for consistency and continuity.


Within 1-2 weeks

Like you, we don’t like reprints or seeing glaring typos in our finished work. Therefore, professional proofreading is included with all our quotes at no additional fee because we want to get it right the first time. We strategically bring in our professional editor with her fresh pair of eyes at this point. This invaluable person is Rhonda, and we rely on her to ensure every “i” is dotted and every “t” is crossed. Rhonda has proofread and edited countless sensitive documents for our clients; we trust her expertise.


Always completed before the deadline

We always meet or exceed our deadlines

We pride ourselves on ensuring visual consistency across all mediums. In addition, we include a list of pre-approved contractors for print, manufacturing, or construction, along with estimates and timelines. We want to see the final product as much as you do, so most of our clients ask us to manage the production contract after the design process is completed to ensure the final product meets everyone’s expectations.