We combine elements of colour, text, images, charts, and diagrams to create infographics that become new corporate assets to present data and explain complex issues that can quickly lead to insight and better understanding. CS Creative designs infographics that become data-rich visualizations of a story, a tool to educate/inform and a better way to build brand awareness.

Public Guardian and Trustee - Child and Youth Guardianship Services 2017–2018 Report Infographics

Public Guardian and Trustee - Child and Youth Guardianship Services 2016–2017 Report Infographics

Public Guardian and Trustee - Child and Youth Guardianship Services 2014–2015 Report Infographics

City of Victoria - Intertidal Zone Infographic

Forest Practices Board - Is Certification Infographic

Forest Practices Board - The Road to Success Infographic

Forest Practices Board - 20 Year Anniversary Timeline Infographic